Welcome Patriot!

Use the search box if you would like to search Q posts or tap the menu item "Q" to view all of Q's drops. To search for multiple words and/or phrases, separate each one by a | pipe sign. To search for a specific post number use # and then the post number. Example: #3570. You can also use | after the post number to highlight words/phrases within that post. Example: #3570|AUGUST|HOT. When viewing a post or search results you can save a post as an image that can be shared by tapping and then . Be sure to review the website settings via the cogs on the upper-right to set your time zone, color scheme & Meme Maker defaults.

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What is Q

Q is a United States Military Intelligence operation. Q is not a single person, but a team of high-ranking persons with "Q" level security clearance, executing operations that have been planned for years (the plan). Some of those objectives are a massive information dissemination program meant to A) expose massive global corruption and conspiracy to the people. B) Cause the people to research further to aid further in their "great awakening". C) Root out corruption, fraud and human rights violations worldwide. D) Return the Republic of the United States to the Constitutional rule of law.

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4958 Lastest 3 Q Posts

Never Miss a Q Drop

Q Alerts provides many ways to ensure that you never miss a Q drop. There is no longer a need to refresh a web browser day and night to see if Q has dropped. Of course the most desirable of these is our full-featured flagship "Q Alerts" app for Android.

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Useful Tools

One important part for each of us in this movement is to help red-pill others. When viewing posts on our site you can use the icon to make a post into a meme, the icon to save the post as an image, the icon to share it to Facebook and the icon for Twitter. Within our full-featured Q Alerts Android app you can also copy a link or the entire textual content to your clipboard as well as many other advanced features.

Social Media

TRUTH Social @qalertsGab @qalertsTwitter @QAlertsApp